Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Building a Missouri-Illinois billboard Cushion Car Reply To: Building a Missouri-Illinois billboard Cushion Car


Sprayed a deluted coat of Dullcote on the M-I car and the decals sealed nicely. Using the Tamiya clear as an undercoat for decalling has almost eliminated any issues with silvering under the decals. After the Dullcote dried I shot another coat of Dullcote mixed with some Floquil Roof Brown to knock off the whiteness of the decals. Then used white pencils to show the white paint chalking down the side of the car.

Oil paints then used for chipping and heavy weathering. I used a couple of photos in the Mopac freight car color book as reference. Wasn’t a hard project except for adding the reinforcement plates by the doors. Otherwise everything was basically ‘out of box’. After the oils dry will add a little dust and grime using military pigments and seal everything with a coat of Dullcote. Oh yes, I still need to find some door latches but they can easily be added later.
