Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale Building a Missouri-Illinois billboard Cushion Car Reply To: Building a Missouri-Illinois billboard Cushion Car

Charles Duckworth

@smcvey1951 wrote:

Really looks nice. Hard to tell if it’s a model or a real car. I remember seeing these cars running around when I was working.. I always liked the large lettering on these cars. Nice work Charlie.

Thanks, I remember seeing the MP and M-I cars assigned to Pine Bluff when I was down there in the last 70’s. Thinking these were bought after D. B. Jerks had just arrived on the Mopac and the Route of the Eagles advertising was being discontinued off the boxcars. It would be interesting to know if he had any input as to the large block lettering advertising ‘Missouri Pacific’ and ‘Cushion Car’ on these.