Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment Valley Eagle Stateroom Coaches 850-855 Reply To: Valley Eagle Stateroom Coaches 850-855


Earlier discussions about these cars suggested that they might have been assigned as the St. Louis – Corpus Christi through coaches in later years. That assertion will need additional research. Through coach service was discontinued in favor of a cross-platform connection in Houston, with last runs of the through cars approximately September 2, 1958. This involved trains 21-22, 121-122, and 321-322.

The first entry for these stateroom cars in the Official Register of Passenger Train Equipment carried no notation other than identifying them as 64-seat StLB&M coaches, the 5 seats in the stateroom (as indicated on car diagram) not being counted towards car capacity reported in the ORPTE. These six cars also had a window on each side of the diaphragm on the blind end of the car, and double porthole windows in the end door, strongly suggesting that some manner of rear car operation was planned when the cars were ordered.

Attached is an article from the November 1948 MP Magazine describing the inauguration of the Valley Eagle. If some sort of innovative parlor seat service was anticipated with these stateroom cars, one would think that it would have been mentioned in the article.

Bill Pollard