
I revived the drawings last Wednesday from SSM 3rd rail for the 2 10 4 Texas model they are importing.

At this point I am blown away with what this O scale model will come with. They have done there research
on this model. I sent them the paint samples for the gray green boiler colors and all the other colors.

They will be painted 2 different was. Gray Green boiler —- graphite oil smoke and fire boxes—remainder black
lettering buff yellow/ TCP #808.

The other version will be the same but change green to all black.

The power that will be in it is very large Cannon motor w/fly wheel and all ball bearing on all wheels.
You will be able to run this on either DC or DCC. The minimum radius they are saying in 48″
this is 1/48 O scale BIG

I am sorry at this point I cannot post any photo’s of the drawings, as they are copy right. I will ask
Scott Mann if it is OK. But probably not likely.

So for now you have it. I think the ETA for this model will be shortly after the fist f the year. I have been after
them to do this for almost 5-7 years and they finally said OK. But they are also doing the CGW version which is very similar
but coal verses OIL for the T&P.


Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com