Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store New CD just received. Great material Reply To: New CD just received. Great material


Bill, I’m glad you are enjoying the CD. It was put together by the MPHS Digital Archives Team which includes Bill Pollard, David Huelsing, Ted Ferkenhoff, Charlie Duckworth, Jim Rose and myself.

We are adding new items to the MPHS Archives collection every week. Currently, we are negotiating for a rather large collection of images from a well-known collector. I encourage everyone with an interest in seeing these archival images and drawings to make a regular contribution to the MPHS. Dues cover the cost of the magazine and the calendar. Very little is left after these items are paid for.

I saw a message in this BB where a member asked interested parties to consider making a $10.00 a month donation. This could be a significant source of income to help obtain and make available many MoPac related images, drawings, etc. There is a link to make a donation using PayPal located on the home page at mopac.org. Just click on the “Home” link above to take you there.