
Ball Cap, Herbie – MP Safety Logo

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Herbie Ball Cap


Navy Blue Ball Cap with Embroidered Herbie Logo

100% cotton, six-panel cap with eyelets and cloth strap with tri-glide buckle to adjust size. One size fits most. Navy blue cap with multi-color HERBIE logo.

This cap is based on an image that was part of a safety slogan used on a couple of special Missouri Pacific boxcars both numbered HERB-1. It is based on an image created by an employee with the Alton and Southern Railway in St. Louis. While walking cuts of cars in the yard, he used to draw the basic image on freight cars using carman’s chalk. It was a very common graphic that could be seen on the sides of thousands of freight cars for decades. The original image displayed the artist’s name which was Herby. When the MP created their special safety boxcars, they changed the spelling in order to use the following acronym – Help Every Railroader Become Injury Exempt.