
Ball Cap -Bozo Texino Logo

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Bozo Texino Ball Cap


Navy Blue Ball Cap with Embroidered Bozo Texino Image

100% cotton, six-panel cap with eyelets and cloth strap with tri-glide buckle to adjust size. One size fits most. Navy blue cap with white Bozo Texino image.

Here’s the history behind our cap. J. H. McKinley (who you see in the black & white photo in this listing) was a Missouri Pacific locomotive engineer and quite the celebrity in railroad circles in the 1930’s through the 1950’s. He wrote numerous articles in the popular Railroad Stories magazine, was a regular author in Missouri Pacific Lines Magazine and had a regular article in the Laredo Times newspaper titled “Around Town.” Back in McKinley’s day almost everyone had ridden a train or had a friend, neighbor or relative that worked for a railroad so readers could associate with his humorous stories. McKinley originally worked out of the I-GN (MoPac) yards in Laredo and he started using the nick name “Bozo Laredo.” When he later transferred to San Antonio he changed it to “Bozo Texino.”

McKinley’s trademark was his drawing of “Bozo Texino” which was a cowboy wearing an earring and smoking a pipe . After he got off work he would walk the rail yards applying “Bozo” to almost every foreign line piece of rail equipment he could find. He never would draw on a MoPac owned freight car as it was against the railroad’s rules to deface company property. A lady in California, that would see his cartoon on the sides of boxcars in passing trains, even made him a set of napkins with Bozo’s likeness embroidered on them.

The Bozo Texino image was reproduced from an original drawing by Mr. McKinley.



Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in

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