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    As many of you know, I was contacted earlier this year with the discovery of a locked moving van marked – “Contents Property of MPHS”, the van is located at the Tyson storage area for MOT. The museum has been cleaning out the storage area preparing for an eventual move in 3-5 years. They have de-ascessioned and scrapped some trucks and busses that were beyone repair. IRM saved 4 busses.

    I have now made two trips to the storage area to look over what we have – the first trip was like opening Al Capones vault – but not as exciting. I am going to attach some photos so you have a better idea. The stuff is OK where it is for now, but eventually we need to get it out of there.

    MOT has a goal of building a storage barn back in the woods on its property somewhere, but smaller than the current space they have – which is an old WWII munitions barn that is in rough shape, and not climate controlled, dark, and damp.

    Roughly here is what we have (mostly junk)
    – three 55 gallon drums containing dispatch sheets
    – a large stack of MP truck decals – which are dry-rotted and crinkled
    -about 2 pallets full of boxes – mostly timetables and UP rule books from 1980’s
    – some picnic supplies – coolers, coffee pots, etc – which I will trash sooner or later
    – some microfilm machines – who knows if they will work or not
    – a U-matic machine – we have U-matic tapes in caboose which we have transferred – machine probably does not work
    – two Wabash step boxes which may belong to MOT
    – a box of hubcaps which may belong to MOT
    – several bicycles which we think belong to MOT

    Today Coby & I moved 6 file boxes of archival stuff to the caboose – looks like mostly ART files – condition is poor in current boxes. Looks like stuff Charlie sent UPS to Jerry Howe 20+ years ago. I have some concern about bugs in these boxes, and I am going to get some bug traps to put in the caboose just in case.




    more photos


    3 55 Gallon drums of dispatch sheets


    These are the 6 boxes I moved to caboose. Many appear to be ART files. I have not looked at them in depth. Looks like Charlie sent them to Jerry Howe, maybe he remembers what they are.


    And here are some just for fun photos of the auto collection stored at Tyson. These photos were taken on trip 1, many of the buses are gone now – either scrapped or moved to IRM. If you are into old cars and trucks, you may enjoy.

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