Home Page Forums Welcome to the MPHS Forum How to Use this Forum Setting up a daily digest to send to your email address

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  • #5868
    Charles Duckworth

    Several members asked if a daily digest could be set up in the Missouri Pacific Historical Society Bulletin Board to make it easier to see new posts or replies to posts. Here’s how to customize your digest.

    How to turn on the daily digest on the Mopac Bulletin Board

    1. Log on with your MPHS userid and password. If you don’t have a userid or password you do not have to be a member of the MPHS but you’ll need one to access the forum and purchase items from the company store. To create a userid and password go to mopac.org and under the area where you enter a userid and password is a link to create an account. After your userid is assigned you can now set up your daily digest.

    3. Log on to the forum index.php

    4. In the upper right area of the screen you will see your userid in green. Click on it and you’ll get a dropdown with three choices. Click on ‘User Control Panel’.

    5. This will open a page with seven tabs; the last tab is titled ‘Digests’

    6. Click on the ‘Digests’ tab and you can now set up the forum to automatically send you a daily, weekly or monthly email (at a time of day you choose) of the newest posts made in the entire Bulletin Board.

    7. Once you receive the forum email you can click on any the subject to respond or read any additional treads on the subject being discussed.


    Neat, Thanks.


    For some reason, the daily digest function is not working properly. Rest assured that we will get this glitch resolved as soon as possible.

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