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I really struggled getting this to work. I was modeling a later time when I built this so was only using tracks 1&2 in the eng house and only had 1 track to the incline but it did work. there was lots of fussing on the track to get the tight turns to work and it was still huge. After seeing Genes awesome model of the ferry (and the one at the museum in Ste. Gen) I knew i wouldnt have room for a model of the ferry. I was using a 3 track module with a 3 way switch to similate the ferry. that worked good because i just rolled it out of the way when not in use. The wye on mine was only big enough to turn a engine and 1 hopper for either coal or sand. the boat track was long enough for eng, caboose and 6 40′ cars. It is my understanding that 1 engine worked the boat. after pulling off the boat they would push the cars onto the main where a engine from middle yard would grab them and take them there to make up the trains for the lime works/or mines around flat river or on to Bismark to interchange with the MoP. Im still amazed what they did in the valley at LIttle Rock. If you stand in the middle it was not very big and the notches for Y seem really short but it obviously worked for 60 years.
