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John Pieroni

@cduckworth wrote:

View of the Ste. Genevieve taken from the idler car.

3.23B Ferry007LeemantakenfromIdlercar.tif

2.8 USEStation CentraliaMIRR#105-CB&Q-SOUcrossing-1950.tif

2.6 CustomerSelmaville-OilRacks001 2.tif
Oil fields at Selmaville, Illinois

From the book; “There was no town or store here; rail facilities in 1930 consisted of a short spur and a station sign. By November 1937 the Adams Oil and Gas Company had discovered oil northwest of Centralia and by June 1938 the Texas Oil Company discovered another oil field between Centralia and Salem. In 1939, ninety-three million barrels of oil were pumped from Marion County’s farmland. At the time producers were selling oil for fifty cents a barrel. During the oil boom switch engines were assigned to both Centralia and Salem to switch the oil fields including five refineries. Major operators in the Salem fields were Texas Oil, Magnolia, Ohio, Phillips Petroleum, and Sinclair.”

Thanks for the pictures! I’ve gotten notice my check arrived and everything is in place for delivery of my copy. I guess the Post Office business between Berkeley, MO and Omaha, NE isn’t affected too much ;). Look forward to reading the book soon!

James Hovis.