John Garavaglia

There are couple of issues with these engines…and I sent an email to Chris Palomerez at Athearn…

1. Fuel Tank: 3600 gallon fuel tank should have the top mounted fuel gauges…and no side-mount tank gauge. This is also a problem on the GP50’s…and I’m not sure if they will correct it.

2. Numeral font is wrong (Again). The long hood of the engine has the wrong font design for MP lettering and numbers. I sent the correct font recommendations to Athearn…but no replies yet. Basically, the numeral “2” is incorrect…and resembles a T & P style number…but the correct numbers and font would mirror the Microscale Decal (87-113)set…but maybe just a bit thinner…This was also the case on the first run of Genesis GP38-2’s…and they don’t look right…I’d rather not strip these new units…they’re a pain in the rear to take apart.

3. Spark Arresters…Hopefully, they’ll either include the flush exhaust plates to equip the units with Spark Arresters…or supply them on the engines…because I could actually see these showing up from China with just the Spark arrester on top and no exhaust plate with bolt patterns…

I copied Nathan in on the issues…so hopefully they’ll get back to him (at least)…Things aren’t too good there since Shane Wilson left Athearn about getting back with people…(I was a long time contributor)…I have a much better time getting in touch with Shane now that he is at Scale Trains…This is my opinion, BTW.