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The absence of dining cars surprised me too. The two 6DBR bar lounges might have had a galley, but no way they could have served everyone more than liquid refreshments.

I had heard that RI handled the NY Met frequently… for some months I have the RI LRK car inspector records with consists, but of course May 1966 was missing, probably inadvertently thrown away when we were cleaning out Biddle. However, I do have the Biddle roundhouse book for that month, showing all loco movements, and 5am on May 12 had entry for the arrival of locomotives 1290-1291 on a “special.” No other info was provided, but 1290-91 were steam generator equipped Geeps, so I’m now thinking the train came over from Memphis on the RI and was interchanged to the MoP. Where would that have happened — on that “double S curve” interchange track in east Little Rock?

I wish that we had gotten this information a few years back — John Mills might have been able to fill in some of the details.

Bill Pollard