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@Trainmaster wrote:

I was able to get a good sample of the paint that was under the sill stripe. I matched it to a chip off of another cab and came to the determination that Imron Safety Red was a near perfect match. I cannot locate the paint chips that I made up for models, but, as I recall, Tru-Color Caboose Red was a match to the Imron color chip that I had. If I were to paint a scale model I would definitely use that color.
It is important to keep in mind that, over the years, different brands of paint were used. That would definitely create variations in color. Also, there are variations between batches made by the same supplier. My caboose was repainted in 1981 at Sedalia, so it was probably slightly different in color than when it was first built.
I hope this helps.

Kevin, I have read your posts about your restoration project of 13569 and admired it from afar. Thank you for the advice about using TC Caboose Red as a spot-on match for my transfer caboose model.
I need to balance the requirements of a perfect color match to the prototype body color (TC Caboose Red) vs. obtaining a perfect match of the model body to the red in the model buzzsaw decals.
I’ll paint up two test swatches of TC Caboose Red and TC Vermillion Red and place buzzsaw decals on each. I will report on the results for those that are interested.
Again, thank you for weighing in!