
My Mopac BK63 class Berkshire is complete with the exception of the deck plate and rear vertical hand rails at the back of the cab. These items will be added when the tender is complete. Which is now up next on the work bench.
The locomotive is done and has a couple of lacquer clear coats on it. This is because it will be most likely a better part of a year before she gets the proper coat of color. After the tender there will be a long shake down period. Also the loco is waiting on a Tsunami 2 decoder to be delivered.

This loco is 80-90% scratch with everything else altered to be Mopac.
I can’t believe it has been more than a year since I started this project. I believe this loco is a one of a kind in S scale.

Mike Swederska Sr
Modeling the Mopac rolling stock in 3/16