Home Page › Forums › Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc › HO Scale › Building a MP GP-12 (1078) Phase III › Reply To: Building a MP GP-12 (1078) Phase III
For those Mopac modelers who don’t have access to this printer technology have you considered selling a set of parts to allow them to build a MP or M-I GP-12?
Have you thought of doing the fuel tank as well?
The most common RS-3 on the market is the Phase I. Atlas, Bachmann, Athearn, MDC and Stewart all make or made one. The GP-12 Phase I carbodies didn’t have the large number boards just as a reminder.
Fortunately Bowser is coming out with a new tool RS-3 in all the phases
So an accurate Phase IIa or III can be done once these are available. I emailed Bowser to see if they would sell theirs shells but there’s no plans to do so. For those looking at buying the Bowser model and making a GP-12 don’t spend the extra money on DCC/sound since the decoder is wrong for the GP-12 and you’ll need the Soundtrax EMD 567 1,000 hp decoder.