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A large volume of Mopac fantasy china has reappeared in many ebay auctions in recent months. New collectors should be aware that this china is totally a fantasy pattern, there was never any MP pattern even remotely similar to this for either dining car use or advertising pieces. Prices on ebay range from $10-15 to $40-50, often depending on whether or not the dealer identifies this as a reproduction. Most would define “reproduction” as a replica of an existing pattern, such as has been done with B&O centennial china, UP Winged streamliner, Santa Fe Mimbreno, Fred Harvey Blue Chain, MKT Bluebonnet and a number of other legitimate china patterns. These pieces do not rise even to the level of a reproduction… be aware and pay accordingly if you decide to add these to your collection as novelty items. Note that the underneath has no backstamp of manufacturer, which itself can be another clue of recent vintage fantasy patterns.


The most common patterns of true Missouri Pacific dining car china likely to be encountered on ebay or elsewhere include the Eagle pattern and the St. Albans pattern. Eagle is defined as being railroad issue, the top-mark Eagle logo is sufficient proof, although some pieces are also backstamped with Missouri Pacific or Texas & Pacific identification. St. Albans was a stock pattern, sold by Syracuse china to many different commercial establishments. Only patterns backstamped Missouri Pacific can be confirmed as having had railroad use. Other unmarked pieces will match nicely for a display (or even occasional use) but collectors should expect to pay substantially less for unmarked, stock pieces.


Bill Pollard