Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Buildings & Structures Arkansas Division depots

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  • #5417

    Does anyone know of a source of HO kits that could be ‘bashed to look like the brick depots along the mainline from Little Rock to Texarkana? I’ve seen lots of wood models, but no brick (especially the brick w/stone that some of them appear to be). Failing that, any sources of drawings or plans for one that could be scratchbuilt?

    Thanks – Ben


    I always thought these Walthers depots with some amount of work could approach those Arkansas depots.



    Richard Ryker


    There really isn’t a model similar to the any of the brick depots MoPac had on the Arkansas Division. The closet place to start would be the Walthers Pella Depot. https://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/933-3818 It follows some of the lines of the MoPac depots but lacks the open portico that was on many of the prototypes. The MoPac depots were fairly large, and had clay tile roofs, so even scratch building presents a problem in finding suitable roofing. Combining two Pella depots would be a good starting point, but joining the roof so that the tiles align would take some time.

    Though it’s a stretch, the Walthers depot seems to most resemble Beebe, AR.

    Dick Ryker


    What size are the stations you are talking about? How about some pictures of the prototype, as I am not familiar with them.

    Ben Sevier

    Thanks to all who posted ideas. I’d noticed the Pella kits. Would have to apply stone (I think) overlays on the lower walls and around windows, etc., but that’s doable. Probably as close as a kitbash could come – will have to see what I can do.

    The stations are along the main line from Little Rock to Texarkana, including Gurdon, Hope, Perkins, Prescott, etc. They are similar to each other, but have distinctive detail differences. The only photos I’ve seen are on eBay and Google searches, which is what I’m using for planning. Anyone have dimensions?

    Thanks – Ben

    Richard Ryker


    The NMRA Bulletin featured several Missouri Pacific Depots that were retraced by Paul Moon (who lived in Little Rock at the time, now deceased). Perhaps others on the list may have copies. I would doubt that the NMRA has any copies.

    Ben Sevier

    Dick – thanks! While there are none for sale, the NMRA Library has copies of all Bulletins. I will see what I can find.


    Views of Gurdon AR depot (3) dated 20100922 and Bald Knob AR depot (1) dated 20090404. Gurdon train is N bound auto rack.

    Ben Sevier

    Thanks – anything helps!


    Here’s another possible kitbash candidate.


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