Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society The Eagle Magazine Eagle publication Winter Vol 40 No4

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    I saw some postings about a current issue of the Eagle. I would assume they were talking about Winter Vol 40 No.4.

    My question is. Has this been mailed out or is it still in the works? I have been looking for it,but have not received it.


    Bill Basden Delta Models ww.deltamodelsusa.com ;)

    Charles Duckworth

    @cole7015 wrote:

    I saw some postings about a current issue of the Eagle. I would assume they were talking about Winter Vol 40 No.4.

    My question is. Has this been mailed out or is it still in the works? I have been looking for it,but have not received it.


    Bill Basden Delta Models ww.deltamodelsusa.com ;)

    Just send an email to [email protected] and let WRP research it. The Eagle was been out for a while.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    This is good info….The Eagle has not shown up in Arizona either. I assumed from the first post that the issue was “newly received”, but seems it has been “out for a while”.



    The magazine did not arrive in my mailbox until right before Christmas. Given the volume of mail during the holidays and the way bulk mailing of this type works, I would say that you should give it another week before deciding that there was a delivery failure. About the middle of the month, I waited nine days for a Priority Mail package that should normally take three days. So, don’t think that the USPS is going to exceed expectations with our magazine in the middle of the holidays. At least, not this year.


    Thanks Charlie and Kevin. I was just wanting to know, now I will watch for it.



    Well the Eagle finally landed in cold Oregon today. It was a very nice issue.

    I cant wait to to see the dome car service article in print. That will be a great project
    for my O scale cars. Fot both T&P and Mopac.



    My issue and the archive issue arrived a few days before Christmas. I have not had time to read it yet.
    I had lots of delays with USPS this season.

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