Home Page Forums Welcome to the MPHS Forum New Forum Member Introductions Ed O’Brien from Connecticut

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    I am a transplanted (or displaced) Mid-Westerner from the St. Louis/St. Charles area. I am interested in S scale (scale 1/64 modeling as opposed to American Flyer). I have discovered a shortage of Santa Fe equipment (my first love) in S and then came across a number of interesting articles in old NMRA Bulletins that I “inherited” regarding the Frisco, MoPac and Katy. Great!! This will allow me to cast a wider net for S scale cars and provide an excuse to by more railroad books. What’s not to like? My first and current layout is still under construction and is 8′ long by 18″ wide, a simple switching “test” layout. Yes, at 68 I’m getting a late start, but better late than never. This is going to be fun. I might even be able to figure out this forum. Or not.

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