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  • #5370

    From: John Golden
    To: altamontc_ei ; dave_lotz ; modelcnw ; gmorrdl109 ; kwlove126 ; rdgoldfede ; sandivlew ; boxplayerdr ; bobflores99 ; thomasl555 ; wabashrr ; randytake2 ; frank ; president ; Bob Storozuk ; lgeorge ; wabash700 ; tmilitello
    Cc: Ron Christensen ; Larry Goolsby ; Loren Casey ; Ed Hawkins ; Al Buchan ; Bruce Smith ; Noel Widdifield ; Noel Widdifield ; Gerard Fitzgerald ; Gerard Fitzgerald ; Charlie Duckworth ; Tony Koester ; Lonnie Bathurst ; Bob Amsler ; Gene Green
    Sent: Mon, Jun 22, 2015 11:00 am
    Subject: Railroad Historical Society Leadership Meet at St. Louis RPM, Gateway Convention Center, 7 Aug, 6 p.m.


    On behalf of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Historical Society, we would like to invite you to a Railroad Historical Society meeting at the Gateway Convention Center on August 7th, 2015 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held as part of the annual St. Louis Railroad Prototype Modeler’s event and will be held in the RPM clinic room in Ballroom D.

    The purpose of the meeting is to gather leadership and representatives from the many historical societies in the St. Louis area to discuss the future of railroad historical societies in general, how to work together toward common goals and how to maintain and increase historical society membership and participation. Topics will include:

    1) Membership – How to keep members and attract new ones.
    2) Publications – What are people looking for?
    3) Archives – Do you have an archive, are you digitizing material, and what are your long term plans?
    4) Marketing and Sales – What works?
    5) Open discussion on other topics as time allows.

    If you would like to participate, please contact John Golden at [email protected] so we can reserve a seat. Also please courtesy copy Mr. Kevin Love at [email protected]. You will not be charged admission to St. Louis RPM to attend the meeting. At the request of Mr. Love, we will not open this meeting to the general public–just historical society leadership and representatives only.

    If you plan to attend the meeting but are not a paid attendee at St. Louis RPM, we kindly request that you please check in at the RPM Meet entrance so we can make sure you are not charged admission and you get to the right place. For your information, the St. Louis RPM flyer is attached.

    If there are any other people in key leadership positions at other societies or organizations that you’d like us to invite, please let us know.

    Thank you and we hope to see you at the meeting.

    The St. Louis RPM Team
    Lonnie Bathurst


    To save time at the meeting why don’t we ask the invitees to send everyone a short bio on themselves before the meeting to save 20-30 minutes. This group is getting pretty large.

    Also who’s taking notes?


    I can take minutes.

    Has anyone responded that they are coming – besides the people I talked to in person?


    It’s going to be a big crowd. Having bios in advance would save time and time will be short as it is. Any suggestions on how to go about this?


    Is anyone handling an RSVP list?

    I would suggest making a contact list with each persons name and contact info to hand out to all attendees. Or at least contact info for each organization we know is sending a representative.

    BTW – Teresa Militello at MOT can’t make it now. She will probably give me some business cards


    John Golden can probably come up with a list. To be honest, I have not been monitoring the replies all that well.


    How has the RSVP responses been?


    I have gotten a response from all the invited groups except for PRR and NYC. Go figure.


    I’m not sure PRR and NYC even count. As I recall they both just had tables with literature and nothing for sale last year. Probably just a local member attending the show.

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