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    Hello-Found site while doing genealogy/history hobby. Born in 1942 I recall riding the steam engine trains from Toms River, N. J. to Phila. to visit grandfather-who at one time had worked for the railroad. Even with the windows closed-the coal dust and
    smoke came in–black dust on window sills. My other grandfather picked up his yearly order of baby chicks from the local station. Great memories. Father loved model trains from his youth-the original large scale types. He made a giant board in the cellar where all the later trains could run-with towns, tunnels, etc paper mache made.
    Anyway-looking for information on the “Monteith Junction” site in Bates County, MO.
    Have loads of information on it, but at this point-no details as to how it got it’s name-
    except that everything stated that “it was named by the railroad.” Regards.
    Joel Monteith



    Welcome to the forum. I’m sorry that I did not respond sooner, but I don’t get on this forum as much as I would like. Too many irons in the fire.

    I used to work on the Carthage Subdivision as a brakeman and conductor, and traveled through the Monteith Jct. area many times. But, I have no idea as to where the name came from.

    Good luck with this endeavor.


    Welcome, Joel.

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