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  • #5667

    Hello All,

    I was formerly a member of MPHS but over the years I had drifted away (age & reduced mobility/activity).

    What has brought me back is that I have now owned MP13641 EV Caboose for about 8 years and just recently managed to get it painted.

    I now wish to restore the MoPac markings as much as possible.

    I had great plans to do a beautiful outside restoration and contacted MPHS, other museums etc. but time passed, opportunities did not turn up and I (and the caboose) got older. I did not have the money, energy or ability to do what I wanted so when someone turned up t the door and offered to paint the caboose very cheap I decided preservation was more important than waiting for something that was not going to happen.

    Thanks to everyone,

    Jerry McColgan

    Admin/moderator note: Jerry’s original post has been edited and split in order to get maximum coverage of his project. Please see this post in the cabooses forum – MP 13641 ICC EV

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