Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Company Store Laser Mopac station – what’s one you’d buy?

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    We are looking for some input on doing a laser depot in HO scale. The only rule is the company only does wood frame structures, no brick or stone types. I was thinking of picking out a small depot with a footprint of 16’ x 50’ or 20’ x 40’ or 50’. Most layouts don’t have room for large depots. The archives has many Mopac drawings scanned so just looking for some input from the group.


    Why not post a sample drawing (from archives) of a few of the depots that are appropriate for this project (size, frame construction etc.) and see which version has the most interest.

    Bill Pollard

    Bud Moss

    Hi Charlie,

    I think before we decide on a specific depot, we need to have a list of the laser kits that are already on the market. ANB still lists a number of them, there is the Butler Depot, and at least on other whose name I forget (Cleaver?).

    Most of ANB’s kits are Iron Mountain ancestry, so generically, I would think a smaller Kansas or central Missouri depot would be a good choice. Unfortunately, I would not be in the market for another depot since my layout has what it needs. But then again I am easily tempted….



    The only available MP depot I’m aware of is made by Blair Line and it’s the Boston depot. AMB make the water tank and roundhouse but I’m not aware on any MP depots in their catalog. LJM did a few for us but Bill is busy on other projects so this project is a different company.

    Hope this helps. I’ll see what we can do on getting some drawings accessible to you and others to view.


    Since such kits are pretty easily translated from one scale to another (the laser being computer-controlled), is there any possibility of other scale versions?


    We can certainly ask but generally these guys buy prescribed bass wood and just cut out the walls.


    I see; that would make other scales more complicated.


    Lake Junction Models has a couple of Mopac stations on their website. I don’t know what other scales you may be wanting other than HO. If if were me I would contact Bill and ask if he would change the scale of a station he already offers if this is what your interested in. I don’t hurt to ask.

    I know a station I would like to see in a model and that is the Maplewood station that sat at Canterbury and Greenwood Blvd in Maplewood. I have mentioned it to Bill in the past but i can’t come up with plans.

    Mike Swederska Sr


    Two years ago, I sent Bill a photo of the Piqua depot and he said, that’s MoPac style A standard depot plan, or words to that effect.

    This depot still exists, it was on the Ft. Scott – Wichita line.


    Joseph Berry

    Since you asked for recommendations…I would buy:

    Arkansas City, KS
    Conway Springs, KS
    Newton, KS
    Oxford, KS
    Dexter, KS
    Weeping Water, NE

    Or a bunch of others I really don’t need….but it is MOPAC! No real thought involved in this…just places
    I’m a little familiar with and enjoyed seeing.

    Gary Herron


    I’m game just need to find some drawings.


    Would love a Waterville Ks depot for my own reasons. Still stands. Well preserved and easily accessible. I have various historical images of the depot over the years. The double privy and the tool shed would be good options also – already produced by Lake Junction Models.



    You have any drawings of Waterville to go with the photos.

    Joseph Berry


    Is there a listing of what is already scanned? That might generate some interest…just seeing what is available.

    Gary H.


    I’m interested in Jasper, MO. Steve McVey took several images that are in the MPHS collection.

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