Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Memorabilia Missouri Pacific 1944 fantasy calendar based on the 1948 original

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  • #5311
    Charles Duckworth

    Here’s a recent fantasy metal calendar. Some online dealers call it a reproduction but others don’t, the MP never issued a calendar like this the artwork is off the 1948 calendar where the months and dates can be changed. Those who don’t want to buy the 1948 calendar at antique prices this is a nice item but was never issued by the MP in this format.

    Patrick Hiatte

    Thanks, Charlie. Have one of the originals, but wasn’t sure what year it was issued. Still has all the months and dates and still gets updated every day.

    Pat Hiatte
    New Bloomfield, MO

    Bill Pollard

    These reproduction calendars continue to appear on ebay, with minimum bids of anywhere from 99 cents to 200 dollars. The artwork on the reproduction is very nice, and if you purchase one in the $5 to $10 range, it is a reasonable alternative to the original calendar if you are just interested in the artwork. The reproduction calendars being sold for $150 or $200 are grossly misrepresented as originals. Frequently the REAL perpetual calendars can be purchased for less than those prices. Don’t be fooled by dealers who are either ignorant of their stock or deliberately misleading.



    The artwork on the reproduction is remarkably good, but it is still a fake. The original, in addition to the obvious cardboard date cards, is beveled around the border and has a cardboard backing. These were manufactured by the Donaldson Art Sign Co. in Covington, KY. The reproduction has a rolled metal border and no cardboard backing.

    Bill Pollard

    Charles Duckworth

    I sent a message to the seller on ebay who has the 1944 fake for sale at $175 telling them its a fake and that the real calendars have changable months and dates. I got back a reply “bla bla bla”. The dealer id is 38fish so buyers take notice this dealer has ignored the facts.


    Charlie and all:

    If the dealer is representing as original and you know it’s not you can file a complaint with Ebay and they will shut him down.

    I have done this many times to sellers. One in particular Firecarbill from Pauduca KY. was selling a knock off of some J Collias books
    as new. He is known as J D Harris of the Bobby Hall Days.



    Charlie her is a link to an auction for reporting some one. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Central-Locomotive-Works-GP38-2m-Brass-Diesel-/191834544123?hash=item2caa3ad7fb:g:3k4AAOSw~OVWwn2z

    Go to the area in descriptions and payments—-look directly to the right you will see report and Item.

    Now use the drop down menu, you want the one for fraudulent listings.
    It may get this ass hole off the site. you will get E bays canned response
    after you send it..


    Charles Duckworth

    I just filled out the pages advising this listing is a fraud; we’ll see what eBay does next.

    Charles Duckworth

    Well the management at eBay has not had this dealer pull down this listing…a fake for $145. Maybe others should report it as well.


    Nathan Obermeyer

    Same seller and same fake. I sent him an email explaining he was selling a fake and also reported a counterfeit/reproduction item to ebay.


    Charles Duckworth

    Ebay never got back to me on my reporting and the seller was a complete jerk when I told them it was a fake. Too bad there’s this crap floating around.

    Bill Pollard

    These fake 1944 calendars continue to appear on ebay, often selling for more than $100. “Mermaidtreasure” currently has one on sale, buy it now, for a mere $149.74. For anyone who harbors some hope that these just MIGHT be true Missouri Pacific artifacts, compare the erroneous “1944” calendar on the metal fake calendar with a true 1944 calendar… note the day of the week that starts each month – the fake calendar is not even 1944.

    As stated previously, buying one of these for $10-15, just to have the Eagle artwork, is a legitimate purchase. Selling one as a “rare railroad artifact” to some new or unsuspecting collector at a bloated price is not acceptable.

    Bill Pollard




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