Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Missouri Pacific Freight depot in Washington

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  • #6385
    Jerry Michels

    Sadly, the City of Washington went ahead with their foolish and unhistorical plan to repaint the freight depot very light gray with blue trim. Although they had been advised about the problem, they went ahead anyway. It is a shame, but they are letting the T&P caboose weather away too, it is seems the city has lost its once forward-thinking railroad history efforts. Jerry Michels

    Charles Duckworth

    What’s disappointing is the decision was made by a City ‘Historical Committee’ knowing that the colors were incorrect. Both Jerry and I sent them (and the mayor) information on what the correct MP colors were and the response back was basically ‘we just like the gray and blue’ better. I suggested they rename the Historical Committee to something else since they were ignoring what was correct but (not surprising) didn’t get a response.

    Jerry Michels

    The decision is surely over my head. However, we are dealing with a group of hard-headed Germans There is a good historical society in Washington (to which I belong) but as far as I can figure out they were not contacted. Jerry


    Washington where?

    Jerry Michels

    Washington Missouri


    I used to work as a staff architect for a historic district in a large city. We had applicants like this so called historical society. We had to do a fair amount of “education,” “correction,” and sometimes some “attitude adjustment.” 😮 😆


    At least it’s preserved and getting a coat of paint.

    Jerry Michels

    Pat, I am unclear, do you consider the MPHS a ‘so-called’ historical society? I mean, we have done a huge amount of work knowing the MP inside and out. To not take the advice of an historical society, especially on established about 40 years ago, in my opinion is a dereliction of their duty. The city’s responsibility to to preserve the history of the depot, not do a Lionel paint job so it looks pretty. I hope I am reading you wrong on this. As far as getting a coat of paint, it is just as easy to get it right.


    No no, No, I meant the “local” “historical committee”. Who’d rather do what they like instead of what is correct and the result of much work by the MPHS. I’m sorry my comments were read otherwise.


    Also, when I worked for the historic district, we got lots of paint color proposals that we found incorrect. The applicant often said they chose their incorrect colors because they were “cute” or something along those lines. One lady wanted to put 40-some-odd gas lanterns on the outside of her house because she’d seen them in House Beautiful and thought they were “cute.” But didn’t know where to stop. Two or three were correct in that case.

    There’s so many stories from my time spent there, but they are for another place.

    Jerry Michels

    Not a problem. Wanted to make sure we were on the same page.


    We definitely are. I slipped and said “society” when I should have said “committee.”

    Hope they are more careful with the “nuclear football.” 😮 😮 😆

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