Home Page Forums MPHS Forum Trading Post Wanted to Buy Missouri Pacific Magazines 1937-1940-1945

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    Bill Pollard

    From October 1937 through May 1946, Missouri Pacific’s employee magazine was published in a larger format. I am looking for the August 1938, December 1940 and September 1945 issues. I have a number of other issues available for trade on a favorable basis (three for one) or would be happy to purchase.

    Bill Pollard

    Ryan Smith

    @arkrail wrote:

    From October 1937 through May 1946, Missouri Pacific’s employee magazine was published in a larger format. I am looking for the August 1938, December 1940 and September 1945 issues. I have a number of other issues available for trade on a favorable basis (three for one) or would be happy to purchase.

    Bill Pollard

    Hello Bill,

    I know this is an old post but thought I would respond to it. I am looking to acquire the February 1941 issue of the Missouri Pacific Lines Magazine. Do you have one available that you would be willing to sell? It is for research at Delta Heritage Trail State Park on the line the Delta Eagle ran.


    Ryan Smith

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