Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Memorabilia Mopac creamers – from the diner, or from China?

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  • #6565
    Bill Pollard

    Several varieties of MP creamers have made it onto the market in recent years. The two with color logos are fake for sure, and I believe the latest version with the black Eagle logo is also fake. However, this last one uses the Eagle design very similar to that used on legitimate Eagle china. Has anyone ever seen any evidence of individual glass creamer use on diners or grill coaches?

    Bill Pollard



    Charles Duckworth

    I’d not seen any of these show up before your posting and have to think they are fakes. I recall as a youngster of 9 or 10 I remember mom ordered coffee in a coach and the little glass creamer had a red buzz saw. This would have been in the late 1950’s.

    Bill Pollard

    Charlie, that is most interesting. So…. there should be some version of glass creamer with MP buzzsaw that was actually legitimate? I am surprised that there are not some floating around. Could some that we have dismissed as fake in the past actually have been the real deal?


    Charles Duckworth

    There was one on eBay a month or so back and I missed it.
    I tried doing a search on sold auctions and it’s not coming up. One would have to think there would be lots of these around like the Sunny Mead dairy 1/2 pint we see.

    There’s a set of two on eBay now but the buzz saw logo is black – I only recall a red buzz saw being used.

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