Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Freight Operations & Equipment MP boxcar and TP covered hopper help

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  • #6579
    John Diamond

    Hello everyone

    Hoping someone can help id what number series the following boxcars are from and if 40 or 50ft, single or double door and also what series the TP hoppers are from and 2 or 3 bay. I have the morning sun color guide to equipment and have looked at some of the sites linked to from the MPHS site to no avail. The cars are on a list from 1966 for #76 eastbound from Pueblo. Only 36 cars long so am trying to recreate for my ho scale layout as accurately as possible since I can run 35 to 45 car trains on it. MP boxes are 86298, 780125 and 35646. TP covered hoppers are 719194 and 719197. Also a TP boxcar, 3606 trying to id as well as to length and number of doors. Thanks if anyone can help.

    John diamond

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Hi John,

    Interesting collection of cars. Short descriptions below, and I have attached the equipment diagrams for these cars.

    TP 3606 from series 3570-3619. 70T RBL with 7-ft door. 50’ 1” length, 4396 cu ft capacity. Built by T&P Marshall shops 1958-1959.
    TP 719194, 719197 from series 719000-719199, built by Magor 1964. 100T covered hopper, aluminum, 4000 cu ft capacity.
    MP 35646 from series 35350-35824. Built by MP DeSoto shops 1955. 50T all steel boxcar 40-ft length.
    MP 780125 from series 780050-780149. Built by GATC 1964. 70T RBL 50-ft length.
    MP 86298 from series 86200-86399. Built by ACF 1945. 50T all steel boxcar, 50-ft length.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Here is a link to the post in this forum about Train #76 out of Pueblo in 1966, which John is referring to.


    John Diamond

    Hello Ted

    Thanks for the detailed car info. The spreadsheet is cool as well, seeing where each car came from and where it is going to as well as shipper and consignee.


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