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  • #6617

    Hello hopping some one one can help. I am doing a model of this
    in O scale.

    I am real confused on how the side baggage door opens or closes.
    Most all photo’s show in in s closed flush surface. Or it is some what recessed as a slide by pocket opening.

    If it was a flush application then the door track would ; have to be
    so it slides in and then pushes shut at the rear to end.

    Has anyone ever seen how it does. The Rock Island AB 6 is flush as well.

    Thanks bill Basden

    Ryan Smith

    Hello Bill,

    For some reason I cannot open your attached photos on the post. Would it be possible for you to email them to me at [email protected]. I am from Delta Heritage Trail State Park on the former rail line that the Delta Eagle ran on. We are real interested in seeing these photos.


    Ryan Smith


    Hello to all now that this is up and running , It has now been painted and assembly is
    started in O scale it is a work of art.

    Pleas stay tuned.

    Bill Basden Delta Models

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