Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Documents MP News Reel Newsletters

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  • #5760
    Bill Pollard

    Does anyone else collect MP News Reel newsletters? These were published by the MP public relations department from at least 1948 (perhaps earlier?) The latest one that I have seen is from 1967. They were initially produced twice a month, then later reduced to monthly.


    If you have any random issues in your collection, can you help MPHS develop a digital collection of these newsletters for future reference? Many dates in the 1950s are needed, as well as a few in the 1960s. Email issue dates to for details on scanning.

    Bill Pollard

    Charles Duckworth

    I have these going back to the 1950’s (plus a display stand that they came in) give me a call and we can discuss.


    I’ll have to do some digging to see what we have

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