Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical MP/T&P Documents MP system timetables – cover variations

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  • #5769
    Bill Pollard

    Missouri Pacific replaced district timetables with a system timetable beginning with #1, issued November 30, 1969. Most of these have the familiar orange cover, although this orange cover was actually first used on the C&EI-L&N Joint Division #1, issued October 26, 1969.

    An unknown number of cover variations exist, sometimes with official names stamped on the top margin, otherwise not. I have seen the following variations, all of which are in addition to the “standard” orange cover of the same date:

    #1 (11-30-69): blue cover with white lettering
    #2 (6-27-71): red cover, white cover
    #3 (12-1-72): metallic gold cover, metallic silver cover

    What other dates and color covers exist, and what was the reason for the variation in colors?

    Bill Pollard



    Bill Pollard

    We now have an example of the blue cover system timetable #1. This was a most attractive variation, but certainly not worth much in terms of visibility when being used to pass hand signals. If you have examples of other cover variations, or other MP system timetable numbers with non-orange covers, please post the information here.

    Bill Pollard


    Bill Pollard

    A color cover variation -gold- has now been reported for timetable #4. How many other varieties are out there waiting to be discovered?

    Bill Pollard


    Charles Duckworth

    The white cover TT was the review copy before they went to press. I had the instructions added to the timetable on how conductors were to fill out their work orders or had added rules that made them responsible for completing their work orders and was provided a TT with a white cover for review of the final proof. Charlie Baldwin was our Rules and Safety Superintendent who’s name is on the cover



    We have some white proof copies in the archives, but they are just paper, no cover.

    I think we have one gold cover, but I don’t remember which issue

    We also have the infamous PINK UP post merger one.

    Jerry Michels

    This is very interesting I have the dark blue and silver versions. What does the archive have? Looks like an interesting set of information that needs to be written up to pull the variations out of the woodwork. Jerry Michels

    Jerry Michels

    When we talk about white covers, on the system timetables were these cover the tough ‘paper’ found on the final versions or regular white paper? I have older division timetables with the word PROOF overprinted in the front page. This information sure make a system ETT a bit more interesting if not ‘colorful!’ Jerry Michels

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