Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Archives MP & UP Exec photos in Mexico

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    This is a recently uncovered box of photos from the archives. It is labeled UP & MP execs at meeting on yellow train in Mexico. It appears to be UP business cars pulled by N de M locomotive. This is a sampling of some of the photos.

    Can anyone help ID any of the people in the photos or help identify a date of this meeting?


    more pics


    looking at these photos there is one person I recognize. It’s Mike Flannery. He was President of WP when the UP, MP, AND WP merged. I believe he was named President of UP after the merger. In some of the pictures where they are sitting around a conference table they are smoking. Also on one of the business cars it has Missouri Pacific instead of UnioN Pacific. Based on these photos I would say the year would be mid 80’s


    Thanks for the help. If anyone else can ID people, please do.

    Charles Duckworth

    @dhuelsing wrote:

    Thanks for the help. If anyone else can ID people, please do.

    I added to the captions below on those I knew.


    The second b&w picture from the bottom is Bill Farrell, VP Traffic for the MP.
    He appears in a number of the photos.
    Ken Morrow is actually Ken Morril, not sure if one or two L’s. He is from UP so probably post merger.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Philabos wrote:

    The second b&w picture from the bottom is Bill Farrell, VP Traffic for the MP.
    He appears in a number of the photos.
    Ken Morrow is actually Ken Morril, not sure if one or two L’s. He is from UP so probably post merger.

    The gentleman in the single picture with aviator style glasses is that Roger Craig?


    George Craig. Probably VP Houston at the time. He and Farrell traded places post merger.

    Charles Duckworth

    @Philabos wrote:

    George Craig. Probably VP Houston at the time. He and Farrell traded places post merger.

    Thanks, been too many years ago

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