Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale New Member – PFM HO 2200 class models

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  • #6148

    Hi all,

    I am new to the forum. I have come across 2 PFM, Fujiyama HO scale 2200 class locomotives. Both are painted. I am planning to rework the drives and add Tsunami2 DCC modules.

    Question for anyone here that may be able to assist me:

    The cab roofs are red on both of these models. Did MOPAC ever paint their cab roofs of steam engines, red?

    I have the PFM books and all the pics of the model that is painted did not show a red cab roof. The black and white photos i have come across on the internet are not conclusive so I thought I would try here.

    The paint job on these models are very nice, well done but I wanted to ensure the red cab roof was prototypical in some way. (maybe they did it at some shops and not others when the engines were shopped?) (maybe they did it for certain divisions of the MOPAC?)

    Any guidance or info would be greatly appreciated.



    Charles Duckworth

    Joe Collias scratch built many beautiful HO MP steam locomotives in brass and never painted the roofs red and he photographed them up until their retirement. Mike Adams, MP Employee and historian, told me they were red but his scratch built HO 6434 and his O gauge Pacific did not have red roofs. He built the Pacific in the late 1940’s and used Mopac steam locomotive paint to finish the model he’d gotten from the shops. So you’d have to think he was following current Mopac paint standards. Mike also had a S scale brass Mopac 2-8-0 and it was painted with a red roof. The paint standards certainly could have been modified over the years and red roofs being used in the 1930’s and early 1940’s but with WW2 (when the 2200s were built) they could have easily done away with the red roof and gone to black as with the rest of the engine.

    Like you’ve noted there’s few color shots of MP steam and most I’ve seen are taken at ground level but on page 14 of Joe Collias Mopac in Color is 1436 taken at Kirkwood I 1953 and you can clearly see the roof matches the rest of the locomotive- Black. If they were mine I’d paint the roofs black.[attachment=3:26yi89vy]2EFDE73B-6AD4-4DD9-9815-4DF67A890B2E.jpeg[/attachment:26yi89vy][attachment=2:26yi89vy]4664C451-C85C-4146-A034-46FB416267E9.jpeg[/attachment:26yi89vy][attachment=0:26yi89vy]20C5FD13-45B5-4FE3-B5AB-2D47FF4A2B5F.jpeg[/attachment:26yi89vy][attachment=1:26yi89vy]2374BAED-5D05-4A79-8122-5B65B07E99DE.jpeg[/attachment:26yi89vy]


    Thank you Sir! Greatly appreciate you taking the time to reply and supply the photos.

    Charles Duckworth

    What kind of layout do you have? Interested in that you have 2 4-8-4’s.


    HI charlie,

    I actually model in O scale 2 rail. Great Northern and Northern Pacific, mostly.

    website here if the forum allows the posting of URLs:

    or my youtube channel is here:


    I have been in model railroading for my entire life. My father is a model rr’er and all his friends so I caught on early.

    The HO interest is as a collector, really. My father was in HO for many years when i was a kid. I have all the PFM books and always enjoyed looking at them. the MOPAC 2200, the rio grande M68, the rio grande f-81s were always a favorite of mine.

    I have a small 20 foot test track in HO on my O scale layout that i use to test out and run my HO collection on and off.

    thank you again for the information! i think i will keep one in the red cab roof and one i will mask and respray in engine black.


    Charles Duckworth

    Very impressed with your modeling and layout. Thanks for posting these.


    thanks for taking the time to take a peek and the comments. once i get the models back together (they are apart and i am cleaning the gearboxes, reworking the drive line at bit and just general clean up) i will post a couple pics of the models here on the site.


    here is one of the PFM MP 2200’s. I did respray the cab roof black on this one.


    here is the 2201.

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