Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Books on the MP/T&P New Missouri Pacific Book

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  • #6462
    Ryan Smith

    Hello All,

    Just wanted to let you know about a book that was recently published on Delta Heritage Trail State Park titled “Delta Heritage Trail (Missouri Pacific’s Wynne Subdivision): History Through the Miles.” Most of the trail is a former MP line and the author was a UP employee who is quite knowledgeable about the operations along the line. This is part of the territory that the Delta Eagle traveled through.

    The book is available on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Delta-Heritage-Missouri-Pacifics-Subdivision/dp/1732788855/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=delta+heritage+trail+state+park+book&qid=1615569362&sr=8-1


    Ryan Smith

    Charles Duckworth

    How many historical photos of the Mopac are included?

    Ryan Smith

    @cduckworth wrote:

    How many historical photos of the Mopac are included?

    Sorry for delayed response as I have been out of the office. I actually have not seen the final copy with photos but will email the author and get an idea and get back to you. Might take a day or two.



    Ryan Smith

    There are no photos before the 1980s and about a dozen photos of locomotives from the 1980s with Missouri Pacific lettering on them


    Charles Duckworth


    Jerry Michels

    This book was mentioned a while ago and I bought it. It is a well-dome publication, But it is a coffee-table book, not a history book. It will be of interest to those novices that want some general facts. If you are experienced and are looking for specific information on STL railroads or trolleys, there are many more informative books available. I am not criticizing, just presenting my thoughts. My copy is going to the Amarillo Railroad Museum library. Jerry Michels

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