Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment O Scale Passenger Car Decals

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  • #6226

    MoPac Friends,

    I am in need of decals to letter four O Scale passenger cars: baggage or baggage/RPO, combine, chair car, observation. My desire is to letter with gold over green, but I could be tempted to do the Eagle scheme.
    Either way, what I need to know is: have any manufacturers put out O Scale decals for MoPac varnish?
    If so, which one? Any hope of finding any on a shelf somewhere?
    Of not, where can I find drawings or pics that would allow me to have them custom made? I think I can work from side views.

    Either way, my Google-fu is not with me right now: my web searches have been mostly unproductive. Alas, I can find all sorts of data on lesser roads, like NYC, Pennsy, and ATSF. *sigh*

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