Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Operating divisions during transition era?

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  • #6246

    Hi everyone,

    I just joined this board, and I’m looking to get some clarification of MoPac’s operating divisions around the transition era. My understanding of the divisions thus far is that the Eastern division covers St. Louis to Kansas City, the Missouri division includes St. Louis to Poplar Bluff via DeSoto (passenger only), the Arkansas division covers Poplar Bluff to Texarkana, the White River division encompasses Carthage MO to Diaz, the Northern division is everything north of KC, and the Illinois division is St. Louis to Poplar Bluff via Thebes (freight only). However, I’m confused on the arrangement of the lines in Louisiana (outside of what belongs to the T&P and NOT&M). What divisions am I missing, and what areas do they encompass?

    Jerry Michels

    Hopefully this will help. IT is an Excel file I developed some years back on the various Missouri Pacific Divisions and Districts. Also, The MPHS should still have a CD/DVD for sale that has a copy of every division during the transition era.

    Jerry Michels

    P. S. Please sign your posts. We’d like to know who you are.


    @2100Northern wrote:

    Hopefully this will help. IT is an Excel file I developed some years back on the various Missouri Pacific Divisions and Districts. Also, The MPHS should still have a CD/DVD for sale that has a copy of every division during the transition era.

    Jerry Michels

    P. S. Please sign your posts. We’d like to know who you are.

    That is helpful, thank you for sharing!

    As for the CD/DVD, I wasn’t able to find one that directly addressed divisions-would you happen to know the specific CD’s name?

    And my bad-I’ll be sure to do that from now on!

    -Mitch J

    Jerry Michels

    Mitch, I forgot to mention that they are in the Company Store under CD/DVD and on the second page. The title is “Data CD – Employee Timetables for 1941 and 1955” Jerry


    @2100Northern wrote:

    Mitch, I forgot to mention that they are in the Company Store under CD/DVD and on the second page. The title is “Data CD – Employee Timetables for 1941 and 1955” Jerry

    Thank you Jerry! I will get a copy when I get a chance.


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