Home Page Forums Missouri Pacific Historical Society Archives photos of interior of Caboose MP11020 or any Magor Car Co Steel Caboose

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    Barb Nemec

    We are restoring a MoPac Caboose with former number 11020. We believe it was one of an order of Magor Car Co steel cabooses built in 1937. I would like to purchase the book about MP Cabooses but it is out of stock. Is there a copy of the book in the archives and can anyone take a look and tell me if there are photos of the interiors of the cabooses? We would like to add a wash sink to the caboose and don’t know what style would be appropriate. Would love to see a photo. If we can’t find an old caboose sink, we may have to get the nearest possible available thing instead. Thanks!

    Barb Nemec

    I am happy to report that having obtained a copy of Cabooses of the Missouri Pacific Lines by GJ Michels Jr, I have all I could hope for in interior photos an history of our caboose. I’d like to let whoever tracks these things know that 920 (which was later 13010 and then 11020) is well and looking good in Darlington WI.

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Barb, thank you for the update on caboose 920. Perhaps you could send us a photo showing the current appearance.

    Ted Ferkenhoff
    MPHS Digital Archivist

    Barb Nemec

    Attached are photos of caboose 920 today. It is “representing Milwaukee Road today but we are presenting both this caboose’s MoPac history and Milwaukee Road history. We haven’t finished the interior yet. It is on rails at the Darlington Depot in Darlington WI.

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    Barb Nemec

    We have photos of the caboose when it still had its 11020 and the MoPac medallion on its side.

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