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  • #5545

    I model the MoPac (as well as three other trunk lines) in Kansas City as of November 15, 1980. During an operating session the crew assigned to the MoPac assemble two trains that will depart Neff Yard at the end of the session. One train simulates running from Kansas City to North Little Rock; the other runs from Kansas City to St. Louis.

    I made a W.A.G. that the train symbols would be KCNLR and KCSTL. Am I even close? Any thoughts as to what the symbols would be (November, 1980).

    Thanks in advance,
    Jim Senese
    Claremore, Oklahoma

    R. D. LaVoise


    KC to St Louis symbols for manifest trains would have been KCAS, KCASY and KCCH. If memory servers, KCAS and KCCH originated at Fairfax and carried auto part cars. The KCASx trains terminated at the Alton & Southern yard in E St Louis. KCCH terminated Belt Rwy Chicago.

    KC to N. Little Rock I’m murky on, however found references to symbol KCNL that originated at 18th Street.

    Intermodal symbols were the KCSLT to Sarpy Ave (St Louis) and Lesperance Street, and the KNZ to N. Little Rock and then on to Avondale.

    Trains UMS (North Platte – Sheffield) and SMU went via Carthage sub, you could have run through UP and Southern power.

    Symbols changed over time, I would use KCASY and KCNL for your two trains.


    Thanks, Rene’ That’s the information I needed. Hope to see you soon.

    Charles Duckworth

    We have a copy of a Circular 61 for 1972 for a Kansas City to North Little Rock train shows – KL
    For a Kansas City to St. Louis train it was – KS

    Here’s all the KC trains in the Circular.
    KA Kansas City, Mo. St. Louie, Mo. 9-17-72 27
    KC Kansas City, Mo. Yard Center, Ill. 9-13-72 28
    KH Kansas City, Mo. Houston, Ta. 9-17-72 29
    KL Kansas City, Mo, No • Little Rock, Ark. 9-17-72 )0
    KM Kansas City, Mo. Memphis, TN, 9-17-72 )1
    KN Kansas City, Mo. New Orleans, La, 9-17-72 32
    KS Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis Mo. 9-17-72 3)
    KSA Kansas City, Mo. San Antonio, Tx. 9-17-72 34
    KSI Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. 9-17-72 )5
    KSZ Kansas City, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. 9-17-72 36 – Piggyback train
    KW Kansas City, Mo. Wichita, Ks. 9-17-72

    Ted Ferkenhoff

    Jim, Charlie’s answer of “KL” and “KS” is the best solution if you want generic symbols that fit MP’s train symbol scheme in 1980. Renee provided mostly post-merger 4- and 5-character symbols that came about around 1986, with a few 3-character symbols that dated from 1983 (KNZ) and 1978 (UMS).

    In 1980, there were 3 regular trains to Little Rock: KL, KLY, and BKL. BKL was a Union Pacific runthrough from North Platte Bailey Yard. It did stop in Neff Yard to swap blocks, and often featured UP pool power. KL and KLY originated at Neff, with KL running via Coffeyville and KLY running via the White River Route. “Y” designated a 2nd schedule in the service plan between the same two cities.

    MP had a fleet of KC-St Louis trains. In 1980 that included KG, KSC, BKG, KS & KSY.

    R. D. LaVoise


    Ted and Charlie are correct. I miss read your post as the 1980’s (decade), not 1980 (year). My error. The symbols I gave were the post-merger symbols. KS and KL would be the correct pre-merger symbols.

    Sorry for the confusion.

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