Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical General Wall Painting in Bald Knob, Arkansas

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  • #5442
    Dean Knopp

    Someone is painting on a building wall near the downtown depot, images of fruit and a steam engine. Looks nice so far ! I was there in early July 2015.


    There are steam locomotive murals like this all over small town America. Ive seen maybe a half dozen without searching them out. Some are really good and well researched, others are cartoonish interpretations with exaggerated cowcatchers and balloon stacks. I’ve thought about doing an illustrated book about them, if it hasn’t been done yet.

    I’ve also thought about, after 60 years or more, the incredible and long lived persistence of the steam locomotive image in local murals and other folk art. It is very deep in the American psyche and does not appear to be going away anytime soon. No one does diesel art in these settings. It would make a great art history masters thesis.


    It is fascinating how the personae of the steam engine has thrived in art, literature and pop culture. There are still plenty of children’s books being printed based on steam engines. Not to mention the popularity of Polar Express and Thomas. Chuggington has attempted to feature diesels more prominently, but has not reached the popularity of Thomas. Even when diesels are featured they are often early streamliners. Diesels just do not have the same character or romance as a steam engine.

    Charles Duckworth

    Any photos you can post?

    Dean Knopp


    Sorry for the delay.

    Bill Pollard

    I think the image of fruit is intended to portray strawberries, once a major crop in this area, and a source of many express reefer loads carried by MP to St. Louis for delivery to eastern markets.

    Bill Pollard

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