
Delta Heritage Trail (Missouri Pacific’s Wynne Subdivision)

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Delta Heritage Trail


Delta Heritage Trail – Paperback
(Missouri Pacific’s Wynne Subdivision): History Through the Miles
By Barton Jennings

The Delta Heritage Trail is the longest rail-to-trail effort in Arkansas, and one of the longest in the country. Using the former Wynne Subdivision of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, the trail provides a historic and scenic trip through the Delta communities, farms and forests of Southeast Arkansas. The railroad was built as an effort to connect St. Louis and New Orleans using a route on the western side of the Mississippi River. Doing so opened up miles of swampland and river bottoms to loggers, farmers and manufacturing, and created a chain of new communities.

For more than 80 years the railroad served as a conduit for the movement of passengers, timber and lumber, agricultural products, livestock, machinery, chemicals, and the ordinary products needed by the communities along its route. While the railroad is now gone, much of its history can still be found, along with a great deal of regional history.

This book is written for those who want to know more about the route that the Delta Heritage Trail follows. It provides information on the Delta Heritage Trail’s history and current status, as well as a mile-by-mile route guide written as if the reader has left Helena Junction, Arkansas, and is riding or hiking the trail southward.

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1 in

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per Year

Based on 12-month period beginning with receipt of dues

Includes a subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Eagle

New members will receive the current issue of  The Eagle  upon receipt of dues

Includes a full-color calendar for the following year (issued with 3rd quarter The Eagle)

Includes a 10% discount on many items in the company store

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Available anywhere in the world

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