Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Cabooses MP 13569 Reply To: MP 13569


Thanks to fellow MPHS member, Bill Herbert, I have some additional photos from when my caboose was still in service. Bill took these photos back in the day and was very generous in offering them to me. They are all great shots, but I think the one from Kansas City is my favorite. I spent lots of time in KC during my career. Take a look at the dates. It looks like it went from one end of the railroad to the other in a relatively short period of time.

Bill supplied me with a very good paint chip, as well.

[attachment=3:2fg0fhq4]MP 13569 KCMO 1987-10-10 R.jpg[/attachment:2fg0fhq4]
[attachment=4:2fg0fhq4]MP 13569 Addis 1988-5-25 R2.jpg[/attachment:2fg0fhq4]
[attachment=0:2fg0fhq4]MP 13569 Avondale 1988-6-4 R.jpg[/attachment:2fg0fhq4]
[attachment=2:2fg0fhq4]MP 13569 Addis 1988-8-26 R.jpg[/attachment:2fg0fhq4]
[attachment=1:2fg0fhq4]MP 13569 Addis 1988-9-1 R.jpg[/attachment:2fg0fhq4]