Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc HO Scale StLB&M 20051-20550 SS boxcar – Interested in a model? Reply To: StLB&M 20051-20550 SS boxcar – Interested in a model?


The problem with the Westerfield car is it has the wrong ends for the Brownie car. The MP 81000 series (Westerfield) has inverted ribs whereas the StLB&M 20051-20500 group had extruding ribs. The F&C kit is available for $16 bagged which is a pretty good deal. I’ve built the F&C Wabash automobile boxcar and it goes together nicely. No fit issues. Lettered it as NJI&I car.

Hubert Mask just contacted me and he’ll do the decals.

So far I’ve had one interested party but will but something on the steam era freight car list and resin freight car lists to see if there’s interest there too.