
Both these cars were recent ebay purchases so I wasn’t aware of the four different runs, in fact being completely new to modeling a modern Mopac, I’m not aware of what models have been issued in prior years so I’m on a steep learning curve. While some of the early models made by Athearn and others are somewhat heavy handed in details these Atlas cars are pretty impressive in the thinness of the plastic details. As to the two models the first car I bought (MP 710222 with the Plano roofwalk) came with the NMRA ‘horn hook’ coupler. My second purchase (MP 710279) has a Kadee style coupler so that explains the different carbody colors.

Talking to Jim Rose, who was in Mopac’s car management and distributed these cars, he educated me that these are not in grain service but used for lime, clay, sand and fertilizer service due to having round hatches. So mine will be hauling fertilizer down the branch to the farm supply dealers.