
I started laying rail on the two turnback loops before I left on the month-long excursion, with one rail end-to-end on each of them. Now after I came back, I finished out the one that’s connected to the temporary yard. I put in a #6 Micro Engineering turnout, with enough flex track to connect to each of the new main tracks. This afternoon I finished rail laying on that module, and ran 35 40′ boxcars onto it. The likely next step is to get the other turnback loop finished out with main tracks, even though it’s not connected to anything right now. Those two are the heaviest modules I’ve built. Right now I’m not going to try to do much if any scenery on them, because I’ll be figuring out what the best street orientation is. Fortunately, the MoPac had two curves between the 25th street yard and downtown, so streets crossed at a couple of different angles. That should help disguise the turnbacks once everything is in its proper place. But some scenery prep will be in order, like grinding the 1/4″ plywood subroadbed to an approximately 45 degree angle. I often would do that after the roadbed was in place, but I was in a hurry so it’ll be after the fact.