Home Page Forums Prototype and Historical Passenger Operations & Equipment Delta Eagle 7100 engine removal.

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    I am building an O scale model of the Delta Eagle 7100 E 6 .

    I have a question if anyone knows the answer. When the rear prime mover was removed were the traction motors removed as well ?

    It seems that they would leave them in and not have dummy type trucks. The reason I say this as this unit after the DE was terminated the unit would run system wide pulling passenger trains..

    Presently my model has the rear gear tower remove but the rear truck is geared. Heavy O scale trains brass cars are very heavy when you get a 10 car train moving.

    thanks for your help.

    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

    R. D. LaVoise


    7100 was custom built by EMC in Sept 1940 with only one 1000 hp 567 engine and two traction motors, and with the rear ‘engine’ as a Baggage Room.

    René LaVoise
    Kirkwood, MO


    My quest-ion is .. When the real motor was removed and made as a baggage room did the rear truck keep the traction motor.

    @rdlavoise wrote:


    7100 was custom built by EMC in Sept 1940 with only one 1000 hp 567 engine and two traction motors, and with the rear ‘engine’ as a Baggage Room.

    René LaVoise
    Kirkwood, MO

    Jerry Michels

    Bill, the 7100 was custom built. Therefore it never had a second engine, the baggage section was original not added later. I doubt that EMC installed a traction motor that would never be used. Jerry


    Thanks Jwrry I thought so but was not real sure.


    quote=”2100Northern”]Bill, the 7100 was custom built. Therefore it never had a second engine, the baggage section was original not added later. I doubt that EMC installed a traction motor that would never be used. Jerry[/quote]

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