Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc O Scale and S Scale O scale Resourse part 2 T&P baggage dorm artical

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  • #5840

    The latest issue of O scale resource is out . Nice article part 2 building of the T&P #300 baggage Dorm cars.

    Part 3 & 4 will follow in consecutive issues in 2017. Just click oh the front cover and you can get a PDF download
    of the current issue.


    Gregg Laiben

    Nice article Bill – enjoyed this installment and your discussion on tools and methods. As a result, have already started researching the Foredom flexible shaft machine.

    Hope you describe in detail how to accomplish that nice filet of solder where the roof meets the sides of the car.




    Thank you for your comments. FWIW this has turned into a lot of work putting this article together.
    I still have parts 3 and 4 to go. Part 3 is in the works, and will cover the soldering of the roof to the sides.
    Special side note how to scale drawings using Proportional dividers — calipers— and scale rules. Very us-full in
    building models for unknown size of features

    The Foredoom flex machine your best price is Otto Feri jewelry supplies. you can get a nice set with a lot of
    accessories for about 230.00 it will last a life time. http://www.ottofrei.com/Store/Foredom-Flex-Shaft-Kits/Foredom-M-SR-FCT-H-30-Flex-Shaft-Kit_2.html

    this is what I have.

    Thanks again

    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

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