Home Page Forums Modeling the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, etc O Scale and S Scale T&P 2 10 4 from SSM 3 rd rail progress report

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    Hello to all

    Just received word from Scott Mann from SSmodels. He has just returned from china he has been
    over their for the last 3 weeks.

    He brought back the assembly Drawings from the builder for the Texas 2 10 4 model,
    these are 24×36 size for me to review and make changes if need be.

    After many years this will become a reality in O scale. So far he has 125 reservations for this model.


    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com


    I revived the drawings last Wednesday from SSM 3rd rail for the 2 10 4 Texas model they are importing.

    At this point I am blown away with what this O scale model will come with. They have done there research
    on this model. I sent them the paint samples for the gray green boiler colors and all the other colors.

    They will be painted 2 different was. Gray Green boiler —- graphite oil smoke and fire boxes—remainder black
    lettering buff yellow/ TCP #808.

    The other version will be the same but change green to all black.

    The power that will be in it is very large Cannon motor w/fly wheel and all ball bearing on all wheels.
    You will be able to run this on either DC or DCC. The minimum radius they are saying in 48″
    this is 1/48 O scale BIG

    I am sorry at this point I cannot post any photo’s of the drawings, as they are copy right. I will ask
    Scott Mann if it is OK. But probably not likely.

    So for now you have it. I think the ETA for this model will be shortly after the fist f the year. I have been after
    them to do this for almost 5-7 years and they finally said OK. But they are also doing the CGW version which is very similar
    but coal verses OIL for the T&P.


    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com


    For those that are interested, SSM 3 dr rail sent me some color 3d photo’s for the T&P 2 10 4 I1 class #610-624;
    this O scale model will completed in March 2018 they will be doing only 120 models. I think you will be surprised at what it will look like.

    The price on this is spendy MSRP is 1899.99. These were last imported back in 1963 By Max Gray. If you think you would like one of these
    you can still reserve. I provided technical support to help bring this to market and make sure it is as accurate as the China can make.

    The bad news is I am getting 2 models and now must sell off a boat load to afford the purchase.

    Enjoy the photo’s

    Bill Basden

    Gregg Laiben

    I will be happy to help you make those two models a reality – holler when you are ready to sell off some Eagle passenger cars. ;)



    Hello I received the pre production photo’s for the T&P 2 10 4 I was told by Scott Mann the will be shipped from
    the factory some time in Mid June to arrive some time in July. This was a very well researched model last done
    by Max Gray in 1963. there will be 2 numbers offered gray green and black # 610 and black # 614

    This is a very stunning model with all the cab dials lighted by LED”s

    I am not sure if the all have been reserved or not, they may have a stand by list if you want one,

    price is $ 1899.99 lots of model for that price.


    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com


    Well after many months and looking at photo’s and data the O scale T&P 2 10 4 610 models are now

    completed have been loaded on the container and on the long boat ride to the importer.

    They are due to arrive at SSM 3rd Rail July 20th usually takes about 2 to 3 weeks to ship to customers.

    This is something that has only been modeled 2 times 1963 and now 2018 . they are fully reserved

    for 120 models of various flavors.

    When i get mine I will post detailed photo’s.


    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com


    Hi Folks, From Scott Mann

    To keep y’all up to date. The Texas & Pacific 2-10-4 and Chicago Great Western 2-10-4s arrive Monday.

    We will be busy sorting and shipping Wednesday. We will cut the UPS tags on Monday and wait 2 days to make sure vacations and addresses are correctly being handled. Models will be shipped UPS ground SIGNATURE REQUIRED…

    There are a few unsold models. If you are looking for something very special, we only made 60 2R and 60 3R models on this project so now is your chance.


    They are getting close I should have my 2 by Friday I hope. Pictures will follow shortly there after.

    Bill Basden Delta Models http://www.deltamodelsusa.com

    The models have been shipped to me should have them 8/10/18 Friday

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