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Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)
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  • in reply to: Not MP/T&P but very nice midwest themed layouts #7997
    Gregg Laiben

    Thanks for the link to Jason’s YouTube video. His ballasting and depiction of weeds/grasses around the RoW are the most realistically I’ve seen in any scale.

    in reply to: T&P #300 Baggage Dormitory ( Mopac ) #7741
    Gregg Laiben

    Amazing work as usual Bill. Looks like I will have to ante up for OSW.


    in reply to: N de M Mexican Baldwin Centipedes/Mopac Operations #7646
    Gregg Laiben

    Bill, can’t wait to see your work on redoing these PRR Baldwins.

    BTW, nice article about you in OSR.


    in reply to: Mike & Ike #7456
    Gregg Laiben

    Here’s a quick progress update. All track has been laid excepting for the 2 stubs located in the Bonne Terre staging area. Switches are being fine tuned and tested with engines and rolling stock. I had to modify the track plan to maintain a 60″ minimum curve radius. The loop has also been eliminated, so the physical layout will now match the intended point-to-point planned operation. I will also start documenting progress with occasional photos (got some major decluttering to do first). For now, here is the final as-built track plan.


    in reply to: Locomotives #7390
    Gregg Laiben

    Beautiful Key units Bill. I reserved an F3 AB set in Eagle freight colors with Roger a while back. Time to start saving my change <g src=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />.

    in reply to: a little bit of MoPac in Germany #6683
    Gregg Laiben


    in reply to: Mopac Bagnell Branch #6662
    Gregg Laiben

    That’s a GREAT looking layout. The back drops , especially at Olean, create a lot of depth. I like the use of model trees, then the mid-distance painted ones, then the blue-grey hazy appearance for the far-off trees. Very convincing!


    in reply to: Mike & Ike #6668
    Gregg Laiben

    Thanks Charlie.

    Here is the track plan…work has begun in Herculaneum w/ a couple of switches down and the turntable (converted from 3R to 2R P:48)…

    First engine on the roster, MP #4612…
    [attachment=2:ndxl8i4r]BRASSTRAINS.COM – O Scale 2-Rail Brass Overland OMI 0206 MP Missouri Pacific DL-701 _ RS-11 Diesel #4612 w_ Lights-1.jpg[/attachment:ndxl8i4r]

    Lionel PS-4 flat car…

    Magnetic air hoses…

Viewing 8 posts - 76 through 83 (of 83 total)