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  • in reply to: abs signaling questions help #4215
    John Diamond

    Hi Ted. Thanks for the answers to my questions. So would it be a given that at crew change points like Horace you would always receive a set of train orders when going on duty? I would guess yes? John.

    in reply to: Kansas Division track charts #10533
    John Diamond

    Unable to attend the convention this year after all. Always up for a reason to go to Colorado though and have an interest in the DRGW as well so next year it is.

    in reply to: Kansas Division track charts #10531
    John Diamond

    I have decided to attend this years convention, all 3 days. So if anyone has track charts especially of the Horace and Hoisington subs that is going to the convention as well and could make copies of to get to me there, again, would be greatly appreciated.

    in reply to: MP boxcar and TP covered hopper help #10424
    John Diamond

    Hello Ted

    Thanks for the detailed car info. The spreadsheet is cool as well, seeing where each car came from and where it is going to as well as shipper and consignee.


    in reply to: ford fast and the csp #10396
    John Diamond

    Hi Ted

    Just realized today you had answered the trainlist questions I had for you so thank you for that additional info and also the additional coal train info. I have enough layout space I can do an exact replica of that specific FFT the list is of.

    John diamond

    in reply to: Horace Ks #10395
    John Diamond

    Anyone by chance have pictures of any of the railroad facilities in Horace they can post as well as the grain elevator railcar loading spout arrangement. years 1962 to 1982 is what I am after. Thanks if anyone can help.

    John diamond

    in reply to: Horace Ks #10394
    John Diamond

    Thanks Charlie. Looking forward to hearing from Kevin.

    John diamond

    in reply to: ford fast and the csp #10386
    John Diamond

    Thank you for the additional info Ted, especially the train list. On the list do you know what type of car lines 1, 9, 16, 17 and 28 would have been? Guessing boxcar load of batteries for 28. Guess as to what railroads the auto racks would be from? Of the 4 coal trains aside from the CUO would the others have been DRGW hoppers and power do you know? Thanks again for the info so far.

    john diamond

    in reply to: ford fast and the csp #10380
    John Diamond

    I was at the convention this year Jerry and picked up that back issue on the FFT. interesting but not that helpful from a modeling perspective. Another question for everyone that would know. What type of trains would you have seen passing thru Horace around 80 to 83 running as extras? Coal trains off the DRGW be one of them?

    in reply to: Horace Ks #10379
    John Diamond

    RG7, thanks for more Horace info. Charlie, how would I get that back issue of the Eagle your article is in. track charts and industry descriptions would most definitely be helpful.

    john diamond

    in reply to: Horace Ks #10373
    John Diamond

    Good morning everyone. Having looked at google earth last night Hoisington would be to big a yard. I think Horace it will be. Will allow for plenty of open countryside either side of town in the space I have. One question regarding Hoisington though, on the east side of town a spur goes off to the north to a business. Anyone know what it is, how long its been there and what type of cars would go into or out of it? Back to Horace now. Anyone by chance have a track chart they could post a page or pages from of Horace between 1963 and 82? Lastly, correct me if wrong but assuming there was a local that stopped in Horace to switch the elevator and whatever else there was. Would be grateful for any info on that.

    john diamond

    in reply to: ford fast and the csp #10372
    John Diamond

    thank you for the MP 86ft boxcar on the FFT west of kc confirmation Jerry. have some of tangents pc, DTI and SOU 86 footers already and know those would be seen on it having looked at a NW train list on another site. now tangent needs to do a NW 86 footer as well. another question for you Jerry or anyone else too that would know. was the CSP like a H or M class every type of car on it freight train like where I work at the BNSF or would it be usually more of a certain type of car or not?

    john diamond

    in reply to: ford fast and the csp #10371
    John Diamond

    thank you for the MP 86ft boxcar on the FFT west of kc confirmation Jerry. have some of tangents pc, DTI and SOU 86 footers already and know those would be seen on it having looked at a NW train list on another site. now tangent needs to do a NW 86 footer as well. another question for you Jerry or anyone else too that would know. was the CSP like a H or M class every type of car on it freight train like where I work at the BNSF or would it be usually more of a certain type of car or not?

    john diamond

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